OK...so the story goes something like this....About a year ago, one of the home owners in our condo complex sold their unit and the condo association is required to have the septic system inspected. Well....After careful inspection, the company told us the our septic system did not pass the Title V. Since a lot of work has been done on this particular system in the past 10 years, our management company questioned the results and had it inspected again...the company came back again with the same conclusion. So the condo association spent $6,000 to have a company design a new septic system. We put the construction of the system out to bid and today the construction of the new Septic System started.
The backhoe operater started digging...then.....STOP!!!! WAIT!!! "There is nothing wrong with this Septic System"....."Why are we doing this?" The company put a stop to the work, called the town Health inspector who agreed!!! UGH
Now we have a backhoe in the front yard, a dug up lawn, and a Management company and the Condo trustees (me being the treasurer) wondering..."NOW WHAT?"???????
But the good news is that we don't have to spend $25,000 for a new system...but the bad news is that we have already spent about $7,000 for the inspection and design.