The Movie "The Proposal" opens today in the theaters. This movie was filmed in Massachusetts. Last Spring they were filming in Rockport Ma (disquised as Sitka Alaska) and my friend Joanne and I watched some of the filming. This is a photo that I shot of Sandra Bullock. (Mary Steenburgen is in the background on the Left). I also got shots of Betty White and Ryan Reynolds. It was a fun shoot. Can't wait to see the movie on Saturday
The Movie "The Proposal" opens today in the theaters. This movie was filmed in Massachusetts. Last Spring they were filming in Rockport Ma (disquised as Sitka Alaska) and my friend Joanne and I watched some of the filming. This is a photo that I shot of Sandra Bullock. (Mary Steenburgen is in the background on the Left). I also got shots of Betty White and Ryan Reynolds. It was a fun shoot. Can't wait to see the movie on Saturday