A Saturday with Friends

Last Saturday, I spent the day with my friend Joanne and her daughter Jolie. First we went to Hunt Photo in Melrose so Joanne could buy a new camera, the Nikon D7000. See Joanne is a fabulous photographer and I have been privileged to partner with her on some photo shoots. She has been using her trusty ol' Nikon D40 for quite a few years now and it has started to act up a bit...so it is now time for her to upgrade her camera...I am so happy for her. Joanne is loving her new camera.
After we left Hunt Photo we went to "Fat Cactus" for a yummy Mexican Lunch.  While we were waiting for our food, Joanne let Jolie use her trusty ol' D40. And Jolie was thrilled, taking photos of all kinds of things.
Like mother like daughter.
After lunch I had to get a mother daughter photo in front of this cool wall.

Joanne had a photo shoot in the afternoon at Annisquam Light in Gloucester,

And I tagged along, taking photos of Jolie and the light house.

Me and Jolie had fun making "Shadow People"...

And Enjoyed the Sunset...What a fabulous fun-filled day!!
