Thanksgiving in Ohio

For the first time, in my 53 years, I was able to spend a holiday with my relatives in Ohio.
I flew out to Warren Ohio, via Akron/Canton Airport, on Monday, November 21 and returned on Friday, November 25.  This is the first time that I have flown alone, and i must say, I did ok. 

My cousins Brenda and John came to visit me at cousin Susie's house on Tuesday.
My cousin Nancy with Larry and Lilly.

My cousins Jack and Susie (on the far right) the their kids and grandkids.

Aunt Helen with baby Megan (Janet's baby)

My cousin Nancy's daughter Jennifer and grand daughter Gillian

 A view of cousin Gary's new studio that he built over his garage (yes, those are his paintings)

My cousin Nancy's three children, Jennifer, Tim, and Kimberly.

Cousin Susie, Aunt Helen and cousin Gary playing trivial pursuit Thanksgiving evening at Gary's Home.

Cousin Billy, with Janet's baby Megan.

Me with my cousins Nancy and Susie, before i go through security at Akron/Canton Airport

 Akron/Canton airport....coming on the plane, heading back to Boston.
