365 Days of Danvers: 40

This is a post from my first 365 project, dated May 11, 2008

The Dinner Bell
Today is Mother's Day and i went over to my Mom and Dad's this morning to wish my mom a happy mother's day and give her one of my special photos that i framed for her We chatted and my dad showed me an awesome old photo that he had taken and framed like 35 years years ago with his film SLR camera, which by the way he still uses with his 52mm 1.8 prime lens.

My parents yard is full of all sorts of wild flowers, tulips, and flowering trees and bushes. So i went out side with my camera. I got some amazing and wonderful photos and i had fun walking around the 3/4 acre lot and remembered all the fun me and my 4 siblings had in this huge yard; the skating rink my dad put up in the winter, the ball games my bothers had in the yard, the private spaces we made in the back yard at the end of the property next to the stone wall, and the huge vegetable garden my dad had with corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini squash etc etc. They are all wonderful memories. And just as i was walking back into the house after my back yard photo shoot, I saw the old dinner bell. And this was the best memory. Those were the days when kids could roam all over the neighborhood with out worries of strangers. And there were no cell phones. And when it was time for dinner or lunch, Mom would ring the "dinner bell" and no matter where we were in the neighborhood we would hear it and know that it was time to come home.

Today, as i took this photo, I could hear the sound of the bell and it was nice to come home again.
