First Game of the Season...

Thomas "Tad" Payson, 10 years old, (Son of my friends Chip and Susan) 
from Marblehead MA, had his first ever football game today at Danvers Highschool. 
Although I am a Danvers girl, through and through, I was thrilled for Tad that his Marblehead team beat Danvers.  
Go Tad...#64 in Black.

Dad (Chip), Tad, Luke, Ellie (in front), Susan, Andrew
Family was here to celebrated Tad's team's win!!

 Marblehead team on the sidelines.

 Tad Payson #64

 Andrew getting ready to throw the football on the side lines.

 Hut Hut Hike

 Luke Taking photos on the sidelines

 Good Job Team!!
