Kendall Tavern, Freeport Maine

I spent the Labor Day weekend in Freeport Maine, visiting my friend's Nancy and Mark at their Bed & Breakfast, The Kendall Tavern Inn.

Built in the early 1800’s The Kendall Tavern Inn has been welcoming travelers on and off for almost 200 years.

Down in the basement is where the Tavern was.
Here are some photos of what is left.

 This is an antique Shur-Stop fire extinguisher grenade. 
Between 1900 and 1920 fire grenades resembled light bulbs could be purchased with a special bracket. The bracket had a spring devise and a fusible link. When the fusible link melted, the spring would cause the metal arm to shatter the grenade and release its contents into the fire and extinguish the fire.
You often see these over old boilers or up in the attics of old homes.

 The wooden beam on the left is really a log. Back in the 1800s it was not uncommon to use 
these types of logs in the basement while building a home.

A good portion of the basement was made with fieldstone with no mortar.
